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10 posts tagged with "ideas"

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Attention Economy

Today I learned that the Treasury Yield is back up to 4.684%. Meanwhile the market exuberance got a little slap because the quantum computing folks say maybe twenty years away from some practical application.


Today I learned the the Geminids[^1] are one of two sets of meteor showers not originating from a comet. They were discovered to be originating from the Phaethon[^2] asteroid in 1983, which is one of the more recent discoveries.

Subtractive Process

Today I edited an old page on my site because its references had disappeared1. I also noticed that my 'now' page2 was missing a place to note that I make edits somewhat regularly which got me thinking about publishing workflows.

Climate Propaganda

Today I learned that some people really don't believe in climate change. While playing tennis this morning we started talking about the brutal temps and it somehow fell into a discussion on climate change. The exact quote was "it's all propaganda. it's really about money". Since I'm a big advocate for leaving bullshit, politics, religion, cell phones, and whatnot off the courts, I told em I'd reply with a text message later. So here it is:


Today I learned the origins of the word sardonic1. I got a text comment recently saying "they both suck" where I was jokingly debating and comparing the personalities of Alan Jackson and Travis Tritt. It started because I published a video that had a cover of a Travis Tritt song It's a Great Day to Be Alive2, to which my wife and I started debating the artist. Regardless, I'll skip the trivial details of the debate and focus on the heart of the matter.

Buzz Mini

Today I learned about the I.D. Buzz and Electric Mini release dates1,2. In an effort to lobby the better half on our future automobile lineup, I created the graphic below and added the dogs for better effect.