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Migrate Zeke

Today I learned that custom Ubuntu packages are not supported after EOL ( End of Life )

Sometimes the dominoes just start falling as is especially the case with technology. I'm on a project now for a client that I've had longer than ten years. Because of that, I placed my new working directory on a subdomain I had originally setup to demo the project some ten years ago. The server it's on ( Zeke1 ) is still on Ubuntu 18.04 ( Bionic Beaver ) which ended standard support in April 20232.

It started with a simple need to have an upload feature in my working directory to avoid emailing around files for the project. Instead of my trusty old version, I went looking for a newfangled version on a whim hoping for some additional functionality. I found it, but I also needed the most recent release of the language to run it. No problem, I'll just add that language upgrade... 😂

For now, I'll just migrate the directory to another one of my servers.3 I keep three or four servers running and I've kinda worked out a ten year cycle for each that kinda matches the lifespan for LTS ( Long Term Support ) releases. Folks tend to think that it's all planned obsolescence with technology, but it's pretty amazing that I've kept that same server running since 2016 without a clean migration. I'll wait until I've got some downtime later on to run it, but I'll still be naming it after our old dog4.


  1. Zeke 🦮 /docs/computers/zeke

  2. Ubuntu Release Cycle -

  3. Woozie 🐕‍🦺 /docs/computers/woozie

  4. Zeke -