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4 posts tagged with "ai"

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Today I learned to use Adobe Firefly1. I was scanning through the annual Adobe Max2 conference presentations so I upgraded Illustrator and whipped up this graphic in about five minutes while watching one.

Today I learned how the integrate LangChain into the OpenAI API. Since it was quite a bit to wrap my head around, I also had to do the deep dive on some of the fundamentals of machine learning and vector databases. I published a simple demo and started making notes about the process.

Today I learned how to use OpenAI ChatGPT1 to index my personal Today I learned documents. After I got ChatGPT v4 API access, I applied it to my markdown documents to gave me semantic search capabilities and the ability to interact with the model within my own documentation. I've had a bunch of discussions recently about using it for various purposes and I've been exploring those.