I had a little break in my schedule this last week. Amongst other things, I have a new address. We moved into a new house last month and I jinxed it by saying it would be ‘the easiest move ever’. Moving is a pain in the arse regardless of distance. My new address is listed on my contact page. With the break in schedule, I had a chance to tinker with the house, this site, and think about some things I feel as if I should note to myself.
Several years ago, I had set up a streaming to play around with and share my music library with myself on the road. Then one day I caught my father in the car and asked him to tune in while he was out. I had mentioned online streaming to him for years and soon thereafter, he was asking me and my brother to set him up to stream music. One thing led to another and now he and my uncle stream a live show every weekday morning from Windhams Crossroads. You can listen via webpage or apps at Here’s the Github repo: I like to listen to them in the mornings, they’re funny, and they seem to be enjoying themselves. On occasion, my brother and I will sneak in a show together.

I built the page at to keep tab of my own listening habits.
I built this page last year. It’s a streaming media player, charts, and audio/video chat powered by Node.js, Express,, WebRTC, and Redis. Here’s the Github repo:

Although I track most listening, I also tune into online streaming which don’t get recorded. I keep a list of my favorite stations at I just started listening to the streams at Magic Transistor. I’m hooked. This fella named Ben Ruhe started it and I must say that it’s a great recipe of music. I’m particularly fond of channel 8.