David A. Windham

php5, mysql5, python2.4, ruby 1.8.5, centos5.

media temple
all standard pre-installed..time to migrate the dv as it’s a fun saturday thing to do…. on feb 10th mt released the upgraded dedicated virtual mysql 5, php 5, centOS 5 (it’s about time even though i know hosting companies that are years behind this setup).. and migrating is cake with the tools available in swsoft… but i’ll have to undue the manual php upgrades and next time i’m just goin to wait for them to do it for me…more details.. or try the Media Temple blog….but don’t get me wrong..i’m not necessarily an apple, plesk, or media temple fanboy… but i can tell you that moving away from windows and moving to media temple has been some of the smarter moves of my computing career thus far.. as windows is a joke and unix is the sh**.. and the guys at media temple (for the most part) actually know what they’re doing.. if you’re feeling the love or i sent you to this page to set up a hosting account… use this link to Media Temple…as i get referral credits to boot.
here’s a note from the holiday season on hosting..
– Number of unique visitors per day: 1,290,330
– Estimated total number of “elfings”: 36 Million
– Average length of visitor: 15 minutes
– Megabits per second: 650mb
– Terabytes transferred: 55+TB
– Number of required CPU cores: 16
– 79,000 MySpace hits and 2 million Google queries for elfyourself
– People spent 300 million minutes on all 20 OfficeMax® campaign sites