wp – for cms president
and ck it.. Askimet has done a perfect job with spam…
I’ve been working with digital stuff (professionally.. barely eaking a living at it since 2005)…i would like to lay down some simple facts that i’ve learned about the so aforementioned content management system. Managing IT and digital assets online isn’t rocket science but it can be made out to be by the quasi technical savvy bunch who might lead you to believe that computer programming is made up of elite brilliant minds.. fact is.. little has changed since the earliest days of the internet..show me some text and some pictures and let me search your information or give you mine) it’s just that some of the edges have been smoothed and expanded. Only one in thousand guys/gals actually knows the computers, servers, and networks from the ground up. Most are just selling/installing/troubleshooting/customizing someone else’s app or solution and this includes email solutions, business class hosting, websites, accounting, ecommerce, online marketing, internet enabled applications, business to business applications, databases, etc…So as a business it is important to maintain relations with another company or build an internal department to do so.. which i have seen in various stages of development and sometimes disarray.
anyway… i forgot what my point was.. but what i wanted to say is that wordpress is a great content management system if used and customized properly to exactly how you’re going to use it.
i finally updated this site (the one you’re looking at now :)) to the 2.3.3 version of wordpress. I must say that i strongly like wordpress (not necessarily php) and wpmu comparing it other apps like ..drupal, phpwebsite, joomla, typepad, director, vanilla, typo, bbpress, , oscommerce, magento, opensourcecms, wiki’s etc….it is simple and customization goes as far as you can take the php with about most every bit of extra code written for you including importing from other apps. I wouldn’t build any site without it. I can customize it enough to handle the content (including online stores and all types of media) for any site design or needs. Even the entirely flash based sites can stand the help of a little navigation and a wp-admin section as porting the wordpress mysql to actionscript is not so hard as i have recently learned. And with a bit of work you can merge some other apps into it fairly easily. I’ve had the bleeding edge running locally for a bit and it’s really nice to see a stripped down version and i can tell you that the baked in ajax and media features are getting better.
I have had no problems customizing, upgrading, backing up or restoring databases, finding a php solution for any task, NO security issues whatsoever, and no problem i coundn’t find a workaround for when it comes to content management thus far… so get on with your drupal, joomla and typepad.
thks …matt