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Empiricism, algorithms and smartphones are out – astrology, art and a life lived fiercely offline are in
Ted Gioia - Or a glimpse into post-entertainment society (it's not pretty)
The opening of my talk Of Time And The Web deals with our collective negativity bias. The general consensus is that the world has become worse.
That is the eeriest part of these videos — the parents are barely interacting with their kids. Instead they are relating to a mirror image of their children that they are spreading online. And they are reveling in their power over that image.
Garden & Gun - For almost a century, one dance has captured the spirit of the coast and beyond. Follow along with three generations of the Free family as they pivot, belly roll, and boogie walk to keep the tradition alive
Lincoln Beach once provided the only waterfront access for Black residents of New Orleans. Despite decades of city neglect, it remains a joyful, if contested, haven for ritual and play.
John Shelton Reed (born 1942) is an American sociologist and essayist, author or editor of 23 books, most of them dealing with the contemporary American South.
What is an X? An empty set, a place-holder, a nothing that fills a void until an actual something comes along. “They have few heroes, no anthems, no style to call their own,” wrote Time magazine in a 1990 cover story called “20-something” that marked our debut, as a class, on the national stage.