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On Fyodor Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov.
The New Science of the World's Most Enigmatic Birds by Jennifer Ackerman - 2023 Penguin Random House. From the New York Times bestselling author of The Genius of Birds and The Bird Way, a brilliant scientific investigation into owls—the most elusive of birds—and why they exert such a hold on human imagination
Vonnegut, Kurt | Vonnegut's stirring response to the censorship and burning of Slaughterhouse Five. Typed letter signed ("Kurt Vonnegut"), to Charles McCarthy, head of the school board at Drake High School in North Dakota, responding to the censorship and burning of Slaughterhouse Five at Drake - https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2022/fine-books-and-manuscripts-including-americana/vonnegut-kurt-vonneguts-stirring-response-to-the
Author and federal prosecutor Brendan Ballou explains why private equity is buying everything from vet offices to tech conglomerates, how this system is broken, and what can be done to fix it. - See also: https://www.plunderthebook.com
An invitation to readers from every walk of life to rediscover the impractical splendors of a life of learning
John Shelton Reed (born 1942) is an American sociologist and essayist, author or editor of 23 books, most of them dealing with the contemporary American South.
Editor • Writer • Researcher • Teacher • Public Speaker | Fountain NC. ( sent the email about Dirty Dan ) | Won the 2021 NC Award for the Humanities. Owns R.A. Fountain ( https://rafountain.com )
The series has sold more than two hundred and seventy million copies since its launch, in 1979. It’s the fourth-best-selling children’s-book series of all time.
An era of remarkable prosperity has ended. Brad DeLong felt confident that the story started in 1870. The polymath economist was writing a book on economic modernity—about how humans transitioned from eking out an existence on our small planet to building a kind of utopia on it—and he saw an inflection point centuries after the emergence of capitalism and decades after the advent of manufacturing at scale.
The original book is far more grisly than the beloved Disney classic—and has an unsettling message about humanity.
In the first comprehensive accounting of the U.S. Supreme Court’s race-related jurisprudence, a distinguished historian and renowned civil rights lawyer scrutinize a legacy too often blighted by racial injustice.
From storytelling phenomenon The Moth, a new collection of unforgettable true stories about finding the courage to face the impossible, drawn from the very best ever told on their stages.
The Bone Season is a supernatural dystopian novel by British writer Samantha Shannon
The Remains of the Day is a 1989 novel by Nobel Prize-winning British writer Kazuo Ishiguro.