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Casey Niestat
Paul Graham Essay - How to do great work
When we peer into our patient portals, we don’t always see ourselves more clearly.
The Oatmeal - You're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you - This is a comic about the backfire effect.
Issue #199 - Do you have a safe space? How would you describe it?
The original book is far more grisly than the beloved Disney classic—and has an unsettling message about humanity.
The ethics of AI are constantly debated. But does anyone ask the AI?
The first principle is that you must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool - Richard Feynman. Cargo cult science is a pseudoscientific method of research that favors evidence that confirms an assumed hypothesis.
In the philosophy of mind, panpsychism is the view that mind or a mindlike aspect is a fundamental and ubiquitous feature of reality.
Consciousness poses two main problems. The first is understanding the conditions that determine to what extent a system has conscious experience.
Why anyone who cares about truth or justice needs to resist the strange new rules of public discourse.
(Dave Rupert) The gospel of design systems is still very true to me, but I’m beginning to see some of the potential tradeoffs; the human costs.
(Jeremy Keith) I compared design systems to dictionaries. My point was that design systems—like language—can be approached in a prescriptivist or descriptivist manner. And I favour descriptivism.