211 private links
The New Yorker - James Somers, a professional coder, writes about the astonishing scripting skills of A.I. chatbots like GPT-4 and considers the future of a once exalted craft. ~ "What I learned was that programming is not really about knowledge or skill but simply about patience, or maybe obsession. Programmers are people who can endure an endless parade of tedious obstacles."
Most people look for solutions. But few seek out problems.
distinction between amateurishness at craft, and amateurishness at business.
Isn’t that what we want from the internet? I’m sitting in a small room in an old house in Durham, North Carolina...
When we peer into our patient portals, we don’t always see ourselves more clearly.
A few months ago a poet contacted me to ask if my Instagram account had been hacked. This was surprising because I didn’t think that I had an Instagram account. But when I looked online I discovered that I did and I was really quite popular.
Why anyone who cares about truth or justice needs to resist the strange new rules of public discourse.
The debate over “cancel culture” is about something real. But it’s not about free speech.
We laughed at the Republican busybody who couldn't joke, declared war on dirty paintings, and peered through your bedroom window. Now that person has switched sides, and nobody's laughing
The Well - Inkwell: Authors and Artists