Peoples Pants

Peoples Pants

Peoples Pants is a platform to custom size and manufacture pants.
WordPress 5.0

WordPress 5.0

WordPress 5.0 & Gutenberg or Why Move Fast and Break things is working out for me.


I like to dabble with new development frameworks for fun. I’ll just check out whatever is the trending and run through a basic setup. Projects like https://github.c
Privacy and Cookies

Privacy and Cookies

Addressing the European Commissions General Data Protection Regulation and the cookie policies.
Data Mining Our Viewing Habits

Data Mining Our Viewing Habits

I’ve often thought and talked about this over the years and my better half and I were talking about it last night in bed while searching the idiot box for something to watch.
Glenridge Circle

Glenridge Circle

We bought this house almost three years ago. And I say bought in the most liberal sense of the word. The bank will give us the title as soon as they get their money.
Education through Recreation

Education through Recreation

A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation.
David Byrne

David Byrne

I went to see David Byrne in Asheville last week and it was a stellar show.
The Selfish Ledger

The Selfish Ledger

A Google "thought-experiment from a design team" looks like an entirely probable solution of how user data is going to evolve online.
The Writers Almanac

The Writers Almanac

For the last ten years or so, I start almost every weekday morning with a cup of coffee and The Writers Almanac.
Keeping Machines Clean

Keeping Machines Clean

Every year about this time, likely albeit unknowing in an effort to stave off doing taxes, I always seem to find myself doing a routine computer cleaning.
2017 Monthly Playlists
Faux Travel

Faux Travel

Every now and again I find myself researching various travel options on a planned trip that never happens.