Pill Free Since 73′

It was a classic lineup on IFC this morning.. after watching the end of the scripts spelling bee movie early this morning (we’ll say we get up around 5:00)…where it was once again confirmed that Ginny spells better than I.. i was completely fascinated this morning by the movie called “Does Your Soul Have a Cold” by Mike Mills…. Mills (wiki) has some really nice work floating around out there… and what a small world it is.. turns out that he and Miranda July(we likey) are a thing(see this too).. and his past life was artwork for the beastie boys and ads for nike…. point is i have been mostly pill free excepting the the time i tried to quit smoking with zyban and the ritalin to try to make me actually attend classes my sophomore year of college. However, it seems that the rest of America, (children and adults).. is on some sort of pharmacological cornucopia trip. I can’t stand the ads and the money they spend promoting them or the quasi news articles attached to our local news about health. I would guess over the last five years i’ve taken a total of 20 Advil… but overall i am in good physical health and have begun exercising again.. and not just the yoga but the heart pounding thirty minutes on the treadmill too..ping pong and tennis.. whoopee..and if you get a chance.. “Does Your Soul Have a Cold” and Mike Mills are worth the time.
Update:11/20/21 – I was thinking about Mike Mills this morning after reading a review about his film C’mon C’mon1. I suppose the title of this original post was because I had just watched a film about trying to medicate ourselves to happiness. I’ve switched away from Advil to Bayer baby aspirin. I noticed that the link above to his website has changed so I edited it, added some videos and a references list alongside of this update. While researching the movie, I noticed that Mike had actually been doing the same sort of interviews with kids seven years ago for another project: SFMOMA Project Los Altos: A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought Alone2. I’m a big fan of anything that has something to do with the theme of children teaching adults lessons. Judd Apatow said “Mike’s films make me proud to be a human being”3. And I’m looking forward to seeing the new film because I really like his work. Granted I used to title and write posts a bit more casually, I wanted to update this one as a reminder.
- ‘C’mon C’mon’ is a special film about the kids inheriting an earth ruined by adults – https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/c-mon-c-mon-special-film-about-kids-inheriting-earth-ncna1284213
- SFMOMA Project Los Altos: A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought Alone – https://vimeo.com/90563906
- Mike Mills Anti-Hollywood Family Films – https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/01/09/mike-mills-anti-hollywood-family-films
See Also:
- Mike Mills – https://mikemillsmikemills.com/
- Miranda July – http://www.mirandajuly.com/
- No One Belongs Here More Than You – http://noonebelongsheremorethanyou.com/
- Does Your Soul Have a Cold – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0995716/
- You and Me and Everyone We Know – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me_and_You_and_Everyone_We_Know
- Thumbsucker – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thumbsucker_(film)
- 20th Century Women – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20th_Century_Women