Google Real Estate
so it’s on.. Google is building a 600 million dollar facility about 30 miles from my house and The Post and Courier is reporting the annual payroll to be between 12 and 15 million. It certainly makes me want to know more about maintaining a huge building of servers.
as reported by the post and courier and Patrick Archibald has pics
And in more than one way… Google announced they’re getting in on the real estate listing business – Homes not just homepages. I’ve been using Google Base to post real estate listings with videos and virtual tours to Google.

Side notes: of local interest… this guy has an insightful local blog and these guys are good Butterfat (sweet name) and look like a very talented bunch. I noticed a skateboarder standing with two of the town’s finest in blue.. and I figured it’s got to do with whole skater stink at waterfront park.. I say if ole Joe wants to outlaw skaters, he’ll get the same reaction he did to motorbikers on Harleys.. they’ll all roll into town and start provoking the police with video cameras and what not. If they don’t tear up waterfront park, the city might give em some slack.