on a recent project.. i ran into some font troubles and learned some stuff along the way.. i’ve heard it again and again from various computer users… and on this particular project …when i was handed the eps files to convert to adobe flash files… there was a note that said oh.. by the way my system fonts are messed up… so i didn’t get copies of the font.. (side note: i prefer Adobe InDesign Files vs Quark or EPS files) and i used the font documented… well well.. the agency says it’s not just right. and they were right as the font i had installed as a bodega sans was actually an italian knockoff of the original that you can see here. Well this area of web design is often misunderstood and can easily bog down a work flow of a traditional print advertising agency moving to digital.. if you don’t understand fonts in websites.. here’s a quick primer just on digital fonts as the type face and font business is another beast all together where each font is copywrite to it’s founder and the foundry which produces it.
Digital fonts store the image of each character either as a bitmap in a bitmap font, or by mathematical description of lines and curves in an outline font, also called a vector font. In terms of how your website type looks you are dealing with several ways of displaying it. System fonts represent 90% of the fonts you see in websites and are given simple css tags to define the particular system font… what sucks about them is that while you may have a particular font, another use may not and they will default to their prefered font in the browser window.. this can be uncool if the font moves you text alignment and or sizes..
* Portable Compiled Font (PCF)
* Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF)
* Server Normal Format (SNF)
* DECWindows Font (DWF)
* Sun X11/NeWS format (BF)
* Microsoft Windows bitmapped font (FON)
* Amiga Font, ColorFont, AnimFont
* ByteMap Font (BMF)
Postscript fonts – Adobe
True Type Fonts – Apple
Open Type Fonts – Microsoft
Font Foundry
* American Type Founders (Kingsley/ATF)
* Ascender Corporation
* Berthold
* Elsner+Flake
* Emigre
* Font Bureau
* FontFont, a division of FontShop International
* Hoefler & Frere-Jones (H&FJ)
* House Industries
* Paratype
* T26
* URW++ (URW)
In Flash websites the fonts can be embedded as vector so that you may vary the kind of font you are displaying
[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”600″ width=”800″ /]
[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”450″ width=”800″ /]
so this is going to end up being a very long post to summarize digital fonts so take an intermission to draw or grab some free fonts from these guys
really nice free fonts from Eduardo Recife

from and Tom Murphy who is another whole article in himself.. pls visit Tom Murphy 7’s Invincible Web Page and i was particularly amused by his Illustrated Notes from Computer Science

Here you can find a graphical version of this table.
- Aldus
- Alexandria
- Algerian
- Antiqua
- Aster
- Baskerville
- Bell (Monotype) Didone classification serif type designed by Richard Austin, 1788
- Bembo
- Bembo Schoolbook
- Benguiat
- Bodoni
- Bookman
- Bordeaux Roman
- Calisto
- Capitals
- Cambria
- Cartier
- Caslon
- Centaur
- Century Old Style
- Century Schoolbook
- Cheltenham
- Clarendon
- Clearface
- Cochin
- Colonna
- Computer Modern
- Constantia
- DejaVu Serif
- Ecotype (proprietary font used in The Economist)
- Elephant
- Espy Serif
- Folkard
- Footlight
- FreeSerif
- Friz Quadrata
- Garamond
- Gentium
- Georgia
- Gloucester
- Goudy Old Style
- Heather
- Hercules
- High Tower Text
- Hiroshige
- Hoefler Text
- Humana Serif
- Janson
- Jenson
- Joanna
- Korinna
- Legacy Serif
- Linux Libertine
- Literaturnaya
- Lucida Bright
- Memphis
- Minion
- Mona Lisa
- MS Serif (included with all Windows 3.x/9x versions)
- New York (one of the original Macintosh system fonts)
- Palatino
- Book Antiqua (Monotype‘s imitation of Palatino)
- Perpetua
- Plantin
- Plantin Schoolbook
- Playbill
- Poor Richard
- Renault
- Rawlinson Roadway
- Rockwell
- Roman (vector font included with Windows 2.1)
- Rotis Serif
- Sabon
- Sistina
- Souvenir
- Stone Informal
- Stone Serif
- Sylfaen
- Times New Roman
- Times Roman (Linotype‘s version of Times New Roman)
- Trajan
- Vera Serif
- Versailles
- Wanted
- Wide Latin
- Windsor
Sans serif
Here you can find a graphical version of this table.
- Agency FB
- Akzidenz Grotesk
- Arial
- Avant Garde Gothic
- Avenir
- Bank Gothic
- Bell Centennial AT&T telephone directory typeface designed by Matthew Carter, 1978
- Bell Gothic AT&T telephone directory typeface designed by Chauncey H. Griffith, 1938
- Benguiat Gothic
- Cafeteria
- Calibri
- Century Gothic
- Charcoal (Mac OS 9 system font)
- Chicago (pre-Mac OS 9 system font, still included with Mac OS X)
- Clearface Gothic
- Clearview
- Co Headline
- Co Text
- Corbel
- DejaVu Sans
- Eras
- Espy Sans
- Nu Sans (Martin Pfeiffer‘s TrueType version of Espy Serif)
- Eurocrat
- Eurostile
- Formata BQ
- FreeSans
- Franklin Gothic
- Frutiger
- Futura
- Geneva (one of the original Macintosh system fonts)
- Gill Sans
- Gill Sans Schoolbook
- Handel Gothic
- Haettenschweiler
- Helvetica
- Highway Gothic
- Hiroshige Sans
- Hobo
- Impact
- Industria Solid
- Johnston/New Johnston
- Kabel
- Legacy Sans
- Lucida Sans (Lucida Grande is the Mac OS X system font)
- Microgramma
- Modern (vector font included with Windows 2.1)
- MS Sans Serif (included with all Windows 3.x/9x versions)
- Myriad
- News Gothic
- Optima
- Prima Sans
- Rail Alphabet
- Revue
- Rotis Sans
- Segoe UI
- Skia (the first QuickDraw GX font, still found in Mac OS X today)
- Souvenir Gothic
- Stone Sans
- Tahoma
- Tiresias
- Trade Gothic
- Transport alphabet (used on British road signs)
- Trebuchet
- Twentieth Century
- Univers
- Vera Sans
- Verdana
Here you can find a graphical version of this table.
- Akkurat Mono [1]
- Andale Mono
- Arial Monospaced
- Vera Sans Mono
- Botanika Mono [2]
- Consolas
- Courier
- DejaVu Sans Mono
- FF Elementa [3]
- Etelka Monospace
- FF Eureka Mono [4]
- Everson Mono, also known as Everson Mono Unicode.
- Fedra Mono
- Fixed
- Fixedsys
- FreeMono
- Free Monospaced, includes 2,560 glyphs in v1.6.
- Helvetica Mono
- HVDOSBox (Raster font) [5])
- HVEdit (Programmer’s TTF font) [6])
- HVRaster (Raster font) [7])
- HVTerminal (Windows Terminal) [8])
- Hyperfont A font distributed by Hilgraeve [9]
- Isonorm
- Inconsolata (a Free software font by Raph Levien)
- Letter Gothic
- Lucida Console
- Lucida Sans Typewriter
- Lucida Typewriter
- Monaco (one of the original Macintosh system fonts)
- Monospace
- MS Gothic
- MS Mincho
- Orator
- Ormaxx
- Pragmata [10]
- Prestige (similar to Courier)
- ProFont (A freeware font designed for easy readability at small sizes)
- Sydnie (included with QuickTime)
- Terminal
Here you can find a graphical version of this table.
[edit] Brush Scripts
- AMS Euler
- Apple Chancery
- Aquiline
- Aristocrat
- Bickley Script
- Edwardian Script
- Forte
- French Script
- Kunstler Script
- Palace Script
- Park Avenue
- Scriptina
- Shelley Volante
- Vivaldi
- Vladimir Script
- Zapf Chancery
- Zapfino
- Andy Bold
- Ashley Script
- Chalkboard
- Comic Sans
- Cezanne
- Dom Casual
- Fontoon
- Jefferson
- Kristen
- Lucida Handwriting
- Scribble
- Soupbone
- Tekton
- Cinderella
- Cupola
- Curlz
- Magnificat
- Script (vector font included with Windows 2.1)
- Stone Informal