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It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
Laphams Quarterly - Those ancient humans who might have scratched directions in the sand or carved lines on wood were the first to practice the art of symbolic representation in the form of a map.
Grace Hopper - Computer Scientist - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grace_Hopper
From December 1876 to April 1877, both the Republican and Democratic parties in South Carolina claimed to be the legitimate government.
Flat Rock Historic District, Boundary Increase, Boundary Decrease, and Additional Documentation
Andrew Johnstone, owner of Annandale Plantation, later renamed Millbrook, was a prominent Georgetown rice planter who annually took his family to cooler climes to escape the heat and mosquitos of the Lowcountry from May to October. He sold Annandale in 1863 and retired to Flat Rock, North Carolina. The following story, reported in Georgetown Times, date unknown, by Louise Bailey brings to light the troubling times of the era even in an idyllic setting
One of the more dramatic and violent moments in the history of Flat Rock occurred during the Civil War. Beaumont, owned by Andrew Johnstone of Georgetown, SC, was one of the earliest grand homes in Flat Rock and during the final chaotic year of the war, a band of “bushwhackers” descended upon the estate on a warm June day in 1864 - with tragic consequence.
Journalist John Markoff writes about technology, society and the key figures who shaped Silicon Valley and the personal computer revolution. Markoff has distilled Brand's formative rise from the Merry Pranksters and the Whole Earth Catalog, to the marriage of environmental consciousness and hacker capitalism into his newest book, Whole Earth: The Many Lives of Stewart Brand. Explore the full series: http://longnow.org/seminars