David A. Windham

ApacheCon and Joost

I would love to pull off ApacheCon in a month. I think I’d need a sponsor to cover the cost to get to Europe. Any takers? The more I learn, the more I realize how much Apache is really powering the internet.

Joost is an internet TV station. https://www.joost.com/ I think you’ll ending up hearing that word again soon and within the year you’ll be hearing it daily. They’ve got Viacom, MTV, Warner, BET, and Paramount on board. That’s a pretty strong lineup. I think the whole idea of TV on demand or streaming is going to take off but I think they’ll need some sort of standardized media player or browser standard to do so.

Ran across this Photoshop speed painting video yesterday. I remember an art professor of mine complaining while I was photographing my artwork to make videos of the process. I’m gonna give the whole Photoshop painting thing a whirl one day.