Non-Linear Publishing

Non-Linear Publishing

Linear thinking and publishing seems to not only persist, but have a strangle hold in the information age.
Collaboration vs. Competition
Facebook Weirdness
Anthropomorphizing Machines

Anthropomorphizing Machines

I’m not exactly sure why I do it, but I’ve acquired the peculiar habit of naming things over the years.
Listing Lists

Listing Lists

I am pretty obsessed with lists. Not in an obsessive kinda way, but in a really practical sorta use case scenario. Projects inevitably come down to lists.
wp_title() deprecated

wp_title() deprecated

I had a bit of free time today to run some upgrades on my computer and see what’s happening with this website. While doing so, I upgraded my localhost to WordPress 4.4
My Mom

My Mom

I found this photo going through some old family slides. It's a 'selfie' my mom took around 1976 or so.
Samuel David Minnick

Samuel David Minnick

Samuel David Minnick graduated from Furman University in 1926 and worked as the State Officer for Standard Oil for 33 years.
Chrome Devtools Theme

Chrome Devtools Theme

After a recent Chrome update, I noticed that the elements tab in my development tools theme was no longer functioning and became a bit unreadable with the default styles.
Holy City Farms

Holy City Farms

Holy City Farms - Hydroponic Tomatoes - website, logo, and banner.