David A. Windham

Work, Work, Work…

Happy new year! It seems that everyone’s on a diet, a budget, and has made some serious goals for themselves for the new year. That means they’re all putting me to work on stuff. That’s good.. sort of? I’ll have some new stuff for the ole portfolio in the coming month. I’ve decided to teach myself Autodesk Smoke on top of brushing up on Actionscript 3.0 for Flash 9… Speaking of ~ Adobe peoples – please update illustrator, photoshop, bridge and image ready for the intel powered macs. I’m finding errors all over the place.

Otherwise… if you haven’t seen the movie Rushmore… it’s good… try the Toots and the Maytals ‘True Love’ album… and cabbage soup with a glass of David Bruce Petite Syrah if you’re on a diet. 🙂 And for those of you who’ve made no resolutions.. Bravo.