Pennebaker Hegedus Films
D.A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus are academy award winning documentary filmmakers. I was lucky to have the opportunity to build them a new website.

I had also previously built them a website for their film The Kings of Pastry. I really enjoyed working on this one because I had access to a lot of their original film footage. And these are things I really enjoy like David Bowie and Bob Dylan. One particular image of Jimi Hendrix lighting his guitar on fire had a particular amount of significance to me because I had an argument with my high school art teacher over it. She had used a projector to trace the image onto a canvas to draw I had asked her if it was really art if she was just reproducing someone else’s image. Needless to say, that teacher and I didn’t get along. She turned me off from art for years and I’m sure she’d be interested to know I have the original image provided by the original filmmaker. The thing D.A. Pennebaker said to me when we first got started was that he really liked the icon of Fats Waller I used as my social media profiles. It’s a small world out there and I had original gotten referred to them through a relative of theirs in Aiken who’m I met because I was down there working on a site for the World Bicycle Polo association. Anyway, they were very easy to work with and were graciously accommodating to my recommendations.

I built the entire site using WordPress. It features a good amount of custom post and data types to allow granular control for over each page and film. Here’s a screenshot of the Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars page where you can see the multiple data fields. I even created some data fields to individualize and control the styling and color theme of each individual film page.

You can take a look at