People of Trump

Take a look at the photo above (click for full size). I just have one question: Do these folks look like the ‘good guys’? If I walked into a party and that crowd was there, I might say “honey, we’re in the wrong place and we should leave”. The collage took me about ten minutes this morning after reading the news and ‘googling’ “Trump Supporters” and “Trump Associates”. Maybe it’s just me, but considering the number who’ve been convicted of crimes or made other hateful statements, the odds of me being correct could be in my favor. Unlike People of Walmart1, this isn’t a group of folks who we might inappropriately laugh at because they’re either too poor or too uneducated to know better. These are folks who have decided that their political opinions or actions are important for one reason or another. I think the main attributes they share are anger and greed. And as much as I pride myself in trying to not to judge others… these are not my people.
I hope that this is absolutely the last political thing I ever include on my website and I hope we vote him out of office. I think I was pretty spot on with my previous political post2 in 2011 because I keep seeing that same image in the news. The folks I know who are involved in politics don’t rank high in my network. I’m happy to have the freedom to express my opinion, but in many ways, just posting about it is dragging me down. “Politics it’s a drag”…. that’s a line from the Ben Harper song Both Sides of the Gun2. It’s the last CD I think I ever bought and disc 2 is still in the player in my old truck… take a listen2. I was talking last night to my better half about the type of personality I admire and want to represent… it’s a person who exudes peace with themselves and the world around them. “Living these days is making me nervous”2, but I’m working on it.