Education Next
Education Next is the publication of the Harvard University Kennedy School Program on Education Policy and Governance.

I worked with Use All Five Inc. out of Venice Beach California to build this website. It is built on top of WordPress and uses BuddyPress for social features. The most challenging part of the build was bringing in all of the existing publications data from a proprietary CMS. The funniest part of this project is when I had to stay up almost all the way through the night working because I had made a breaking change to the site the day before they were having a press conference to announce the new website. The project took me a several months to build and I’m proud of the advanced features and layout. The designs I was given were relatively complex and involved a lot of custom CSS. There was also a lot of custom PHP to make the staggered queries for the magazine style layout, the multi author workflow, and the social aspects.

Part of the challenge in this project was instructing everyone how to use the site. I made template keys for how each section of the content is controlled. You can click on this image to take a closer look.

I’ve been saying to folks that it’s about the only way I’d ever be given access to Harvard because it certainly wasn’t from my academic achievements.